
Class Summary
ADR To specify the components of the delivery address for the vCard object.
AGENT To specify information about another person who will act on behalf of the individual or resource associated with the vCard.
BDAY To specify the birth date of the object the vCard represents.
CATEGORY To specify application category information about the vCard.
CLASS To specify the access classification for a vCard object.
EMAIL To specify the electronic mail address for communication with the object the vCard represents.
FN To specify the formatted text corresponding to the name of the object the vCard represents.
GEO To specify information related to the global positioning of the object the vCard represents.
KEY To specify a public key or authentication certificate associated with the object that the vCard represents.
LABEL To specify the formatted text corresponding to delivery address of the object the vCard represents.
LOGO To specify a graphic image of a logo associated with the object the vCard represents.
MAILER To specify the type of electronic mail software that is used by the individual associated with the vCard.
N To specify the components of the name of the object the vCard represents.
NICKNAME To specify the text corresponding to the nickname of the object the vCard represents.
NOTE To specify supplemental information or a comment that is associated with the vCard.
ORG To specify the organizational name and units associated with the vCard.
PHOTO To specify an image or photograph information that annotates some aspect of the object the vCard represents.
PROID To specify the identifier for the product that created the vCard object.
REV To specify revision information about the current vCard.
ROLE To specify information concerning the role, occupation, or business category of the object the vCard represents.
SORT_STRING To specify the family name or given name text to be used for national-language-specific sorting of the FN and N types.
SOUND To specify a digital sound content information that annotates some aspect of the vCard.
TEL To specify the telephone number for telephony communication with the object the vCard represents."
TITLE To specify the job title, functional position or function of the object the vCard represents.
TZ To specify information related to the time zone of the object the vCard represents.
UID To specify a value that represents a globally unique identifier corresponding to the individual or resource associated with the vCard.
URL To specify a uniform resource locator associated with the object that the vCard refers to.
VERSION To specify the version of the vCard specification used to format this vCard.
X To specify application specific data.